Wednesday March 26, 12.30 – 4.30pm & Thursday March 27, 8.30am – 12.30pm
Are you a food producer looking for opportunities to deliver products and services into new value chains, industries or markets?
- Are you interested in developing a network of local food suppliers for your retail or hospitality business?
- Have you ever seen opportunities that you would like to go for but didn’t have all the capabilities or capacity?
If you have answered “yes? to any of these you will benefit from participating in this workshop. It will help you understand what is involved in successfully collaborating with other businesses and the benefits of developing a vibrant Relish Capricorn regional food network and how growing this will increase the visibility of local produce and ultimately all businesses involved.
By the end of the workshop you will:
- Understand how collaboration could benefit your business
- Understand how to engage the best partners and build successful collaborative relationships
- Understand what you need to do to become “collaboration ready” in your business
Have an opportunity to participate in a collaborative idea for a regional food network, branded “Relish Capricorn”.
Target Audience
Food producers and distributors, and retail, catering and hospitality businesses in the Capricornia region.
For more information please contact Denise Raybould on 07 3364 0603 or email
This workshop is an initiative of the Queensland Government Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts.
About the Facilitators
Denise Raybould:
Denise Raybould is the AIC’s Lead Innovation Consultant. Denise has in excess of 20 years business and consulting experience and has assisted innovators to develop their business and commercialise new products.
Samantha Perkins:
Samantha Perkins is the Senior Consultant, Innovation at the AIC. Samantha has a strong background in science and business specialising in technology transfer and managing Intellectual Property. She has over 20 years experience in commercialisation related roles.
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Guest Speaker
Rose Wright is a leading authority in food, wine and agritourism. Backed by nearly 30 years in tourism and regional economic development, her professional experience spans both small and large private enterprise, local and state government, private consultancy and research. As Managing Director of Knowledge Transfer Services, the company she started in early 2012, Rose specializes in the creation of short supply chain regional food systems, agritourism development, industry and community capacity building and destination management.
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For more information see Contacts below
Denise Raybould
QMI Solutions
T 07 3364 0603 E
Steve Knight
Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning T +61 7 4938 6528+61 7 4938 6528 E |
Paul Sweeney
Relish Capricorn M +61 408 210 505 E |
Jason Pfingst
Relish Capricorn M +61 429 397 871 E |